Bravehearts eNews – 17 July 2020


17 July 2020

Dear Parents / Guardians

Although a “visual quote” marks the beginning of this week’s newsletter, it is a reminder that “stuff” happens to all of us – none of us is immune to the vicissitudes of life… but we must have the COURAGE to continue with “life”. This is obviously particularly relevant with regards to the current Covid Pandemic which plagues our country and closer to home, our Clifton Notties.

We continue to think of and pray for our Clifton families who, in some way – directly or indirectly, are and have been impacted by the Coronavirus. With cautiousness and prudence always in the forefront of decision-making, I confirm that our Pre-Primary School remains closed until Monday 27 July. Medical authorities have strongly advised this.

On a happy note, yesterday morning, from my office window I heard a wonderful whooping as a gathering group of children cracked the ice that had formed in the fountain outside the Chapel. I could not resist taking a photograph of the moment… a real Clifton moment! The intention of including our Clifton traditions (bob-sleighing down Bob Sleigh Hill being one of them) in the “day to day” timetable now, also forms part of what makes Clifton, Clifton and allows our children to be children.