Academic Programmes at Clifton
A blend of the old and new, the Clifton Learning Experience is a balance between the traditional and nontraditional settings and programmes.
Specialised Learning Programmes at Clifton include:

Academic and Learning Support
Clifton prides itself on offering relevant and effective learning support for those children requiring specific types of support and extension. Our academic support and extension programmes reflect our ethos of inclusivity, and acknowledge the unique attributes of all our children.
A member of our full-time academic staff, the Head of our Learning Support unit is Ms Monique Langlois, a qualified remedial therapist. She is supported by a multi-disciplinary team who are based on the Clifton campus, including an Educational Psychologist, Remedial Therapist, Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapist and a team of facilitators, who together provide optimal, effective and appropriate learning support.
Although conveniently located on our Clifton campus, our Educational Psychologist, Occupational Therapist, Remedial Therapist and Speech Therapist and facilitators are privately contracted to the school and their fees are for each parent’s private account.
Learning support is coordinated and monitored by Ms Langlois who commits time with each class (Grade 00 to Grade 7) during the school week. Weekly meetings with Heads of Department and class teachers mean that a finger is always on the pulse, with childrens’ academic progress and challenges being consistently and constantly monitored. Hands-on remediation/observation in the class by Ms Langlois is the first step in a journey which involves a stream-lined, structured process of supporting children individually to achieve their academic goals.
The process includes proactive upskilling of our staff in appropriate methodology including practical guidance ensuring that the needs of each child is met. Afternoon classes for Senior Primary children are also offered by our core subject teachers in each grade – children attend these by arrangement or at their teachers’ recommendation and are free of charge.
Our mission, to “grow each child”, is supported by our team of passionate teachers and learning support specialists. It is a commitment that is taken seriously.
Interactive Smartboard activities and iPad sessions
Technology is everywhere around us. Most homes have computers, internet connectivity and lots of children have their own handheld devices. It is known that technology is a significant part of our children’s future. We at Clifton embrace the need for technology as a part of daily life by incorporating it into our curriculum.
iPads at Clifton
To equip our children with the skills they need, we strive to integrate IT into the daily curriculum and learning. Presently, Clifton has 100 iPads which are used daily by our children across the various subjects. Garage Band, i-Movies, Number Sense and Quizz Lit are some of the apps presently used. These apps help the children to be able to create and do presentations, access notes and interact with their peers and teachers via Google Classroom.
Interactive Smartboards
Each classroom at Clifton is equipped with a touch screen smartboard enabling teachers to design interactive lessons using up-to-date technology.
Robotics is offered as an optional extra. The aim is to enhance the children’s creative and engineering skills as they troubleshoot and invent robots. Collaboration is key and the children learn to develop this skill as they are required to develop solutions for various scenarios as they apply and test their designs for full functionality.
STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths
Clifton’s STEAM or Coding Lounge is the school’s ICT (Information, Communication and Technology) classroom. STEAM at Clifton includes introduction to robotics. The classroom houses four desktop computers in addition to three laptops allocated purely for use by students for research work, photo and video editing and for all their printing needs. Clifton has a specialised technology integration teacher for STEAM lessons for Grades 4 to 6.
Integrated Studies
Integrated Studies is the teaching of History, Geography and Natural Science in themes or units. These units, while focusing on the subject-specific content, are generated specifically to develop, improve and hone skills necessary for success in the 21st Century (such as collaboration, critical thinking and creativity) which we believe will make our children more adaptable learners for life.
Lego is a firm favourite with children. The Junior Primary currently attend two lego sessions in the 3rd term. Lego enables children to think creatively and reason logically. Imagination is brought to reality through their individual designs and building skills.
Mastering how Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) all comes together to solve problems and create inventions. They learn about things like gears, pulleys, etc.
This educational programme accompanies the pre-school child along the affective maturity stages of their development. It follows the Aucouturier method. Its philosophy is grounded on the child’s unique inner programme of development. It is based on extensive research and the understanding of the role of emotion in the development process and the physical unity of the child.
Children choose to play freely on specific equipment in a stimulating environment, in a non-directive way. Their freedom is conditional to the rules:
- We don’t hurt others
- We don’t hurt ourselves
- We respect the equipment
Based on the non-violent communication conceptual model, the programme empowers the children to solve conflict peacefully. This holistic programme prepares the child physically, emotionally, socially and cognitively for the learning process.
NumberSense Maths Programme
The NumberSense Maths Programme adopted by Clifton has proven to be a vital cog in our academic machinery. This programme is implemented from Grade 0 to Grade 7 and is structured to ensure scaffolded learning and mastery of the skills necessary for growth in confidence and ability. As a result our children meet with success in the subject within their area of proximal development. In Grade 7 the NumberSense programme is complemented in the latter part of the year by way of the Keys Maths Programme, which prepares our children for the rigours of high school.
Watch our Head of Curriculum and Head of Mathematics teach a NumberSense maths lesson.
Out and About Programme
Task badges are earned by completing a set number of tasks. Earning three badges means a Clifton Bronze certificate is achieved; six a Clifton Silver and when all ten badges have been earned, a Clifton Gold Certificate is awarded. The badges include: First Aid, Camp Craft, Farming, Weather Watcher, Conservationist, Adventurer, Life Skills, Base Manager, Clifton Traditions and Orienteering. The Environmental Hut allows access to relevant reading material.