Bravehearts@home – 5 June 2020


5 June 2020

Dear Parents / Guardians

With the re-opening of Clifton Notties, “phase two” on Monday 8th June, we look forward to welcoming all our pupils back on campus during the course of the week! As has been repeatedly said over the last two months, it has been a time of mixed emotions for us all, with some having called it the “Coronacoaster”. – Reasons for this are numerous, but particularly for our children next week they may be leaving the “safety bubbles of home” for the first time in two months and they might not have had to wear a mask or a visor at all. So, we encourage you to please let them try a mask this weekend, chat to them about the protocols Clifton have had to put in place and please explain “age appropriately” why these “new rules” are necessary. – This might sound very basic to some, but the reality is that Clifton is not the place it was when they left at the end of last term. It is going to be different for them on their return. – We have experienced this with our Grade 7s and teachers this week, as they have had to adjust to the “new normal”. Social distancing is not the norm for our community…