Headmaster’s eNewsletter – 26 February 2021


Dear Parents/Guardians

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

With “Random Acts of Kindness Day” on Wednesday 3 March, the words by Aesop are appropriate. In preparation for this, our Art Department has facilitated our children creating cards for our front-line workers, which will be delivered to the Bruntville and Balgowan Clinics and local Doctors’ Rooms next week by Members of Management.

Although not wanting to labour the point, one’s wish to return to normality is so very tempting – and yet we are still in level 3 – which “complicates” our wish to return to this new normality. Seeing 50 out of 55 boys opting to play in the intra-school cricket matches on Friday and Saturday speaks of the desire of our children and staff to “get back to normal” and the need for “competition”.

Our writing of the international benchmarking tests in English and Mathematics (in Grade 3 and 5) every year is a useful tool for us on many levels. Although we cannot publish results, I am/we are more than excited by the results of the tests done at the end of last year and recently received. They speak of the high academic standards and rigour that are enjoyed at Clifton Notties.